につけ (A. 444)

Example sentences

When I see the photo of my parents I took in Naples, I remember what a great time we had on that trip.
As I smell the scent of fresh green foliage, I tell myself it's finally spring and feel really relaxed, almost without realizing it.
As I listen to the pianist's deeply-felt music and sense his warm personality, I feel strongly that music is man.
As I watch the government's inability to deal with the increasingly serious problems related to the pension system and economy, I think that we must (do what we can to) protect ourselves.
As I watch or hear about young people who are well over 20 but have no prospects for becoming independent, I feel heavy-hearted.
Whenever I think about the unhappy circumstances surrounding children, with the recent cases of bullying, abuse, and gruesome incidents, it makes me feel concerned about the future of this country.
As I watch the wars going on in various places around the world, my heart aches.
Whenever I read articles about all of the medical errors that have been happening (frequently) recently, I shudder at the thought that I could have been a victim.
As I feel the end of the year coming at a dash, I become aware of my age.


Vinformal nonpastにつけWhere V=verb of cognition
景色を見るにつけAs I look at the scenery
日記を読むにつけAs I read the diary
そのことを考えるにつけAs I think about it
年を感じるにつけAs I become conscious of my age
その香りを嗅ぐにつけAs I smell the scent