によらず (A. 452)

Example sentences

There is no way to save this company without restructuring it.
At this company, if you are capable, you will be given big assignments one after another, regardless of your educational qualifications.
Whatever it may be, if you have trouble, please consult me anytime.
(Regardless of) Whether it is domestically produced or imported, as a rule I do not eat beef.
This company will interview you regardless of your experience (literally: whether or not you have experience.)
No matter what the weather (literally: whatever the weather is like), the game will be held as scheduled.
Regardless of who it is (literally: who takes the project), the project manager will be given special compensation.
The ideal is to resolve disputes without using armed force.
Mr. Yoshikawa was employed by another company without his former employer's help (literally: good offices).
This contract may not be altered without the agreement of both parties.
In this dance studio, students can begin at any time and anyone, regardless of experience, can join.
The salaries of this company's sales representatives are not dependent on their length of employment or age; they are always based on sales performance.
The distance between Q and R is always the same, regardless of where P is.
Anyone can take this standardized test, regardless of what university or school you attend or whether you are a university student or a professional.
No matter what job you have, you should always do the work sincerely.
Whether you own a few things or many, a well-organized space makes you feel good.


(i) Nounによらず
紹介によらずWithout introduction
学生数によらずRegardless of the number of students
(ii) Wh-word (Noun/NP) によらず
によらずWhoever it may be (literally: regardless of who it is)
どんな仕事によらずWhatever work it may be (literally: regardless of what kind of work it is)
(iii) XかYかによらずWhere X, Y=contrastive words; usually nonpast forms
Noun1かNoun2英語か日本語かによらずRegardless of whether something is English or Japanese
V1informalかV2informalか勝つか負けるによらずRegardless of whether someone wins or loses
Adjectiveい1informalかAdjectiveい2informal高いか安いかによらずRegardless of whether something is expensive or cheap
Adjectiveな1stemかAdjectiveな2stem偶然か意図的かによらずRegardless of whether something is accidental or intentional
(iv) Xか{どう/ 否}かによらず
存在するか{どう/否}かによらずRegardless of whether something exists or not
高いか{どう/否}かによらずRegardless of whether something is expensive or not
偶然か{どう/否}かによらずRegardless of whether something is coincidental or not
学生か{どう/否}かによらずRegardless of whether someone is a student or not
(v) X(affirmative)かX(negative)かによらず
行くか行かないかによらずRegardless of whether someone goes or not
高いか高くないかによらずRegardless of whether something is expensive or not
偶然(である)か偶然でないによらずRegardless of whether something is coincidental or not
英語(である)か英語でないによらずRegardless of whether something is English or not
(vi) X(affirmative)+X(negative)かによらずWhere X={V/Adjectiveい}informal; usually nonpast forms
行く行かないによらずRegardless of whether someone goes or not
うまいうまくないによらずRegardless of whether something is good or poor (at going something)
(vii) X+YによらずWhere X, Y=Adjectiveいinformal nonpast/Adjectiveなstem; Y=X’s antonym
上手下手によらずRegardless of whether someone is skillful or unskillful
うまい下手によらずRegardless of whether someone is good or poor (at going something)
(viii) {Noun/Adjectiveなstem}であるなしによらず
会員であるなしによらずRegardless of whether someone is a member or not
経済的であるなしによらずRegardless of whether something is economical nor not
(ix) Nounのあるなしによらず
学位のあるなしによらずRegardless of whether someone has a degree or not
(x) Nounのいかんによらず
方法のいかんによらずRegardless of the method (literally: regardless of what the method is)