のみならず (A. 461)

Example sentences

Our company does business not only in Japan but also in America, Europe, and elsewhere.
Today's companies should not just pursue profits; they should also consider environmental protection issues in their production activities. (literally: they must perform production activities that take the environment into consideration as well.)
As a human being, he should be ashamed of what he did. Not only that, it is clearly a criminal act.
It is necessary to change not only the fee structure but the service system as well.
The president's decision is being criticized heavily not only within the country but also abroad.
Not only is this company famous worldwide as a carbonated beverage manufacturer, it is even an American symbol (literally: one of the entities that symbolize the United States).
Crimes of this kind have an enormous impact on citizens, not only economically but also psychologically, as they can completely deprive citizens of their post-retirement livelihoods (among other things).
Technology specialists should not simply play a role as promoters of technological advancement; they should also be independent actors who bear a heavy (literally: strong) sense of responsibility for the effect of technology on people and on society.
The production, the sale, and the use of illegal diesel oil are extremely serious acts of tax evasion. Not only that, these acts result in environmental pollution because they bring about an increase in toxic substances in the atmosphere via the exhaust from diesel cars.
I was totally exhausted. My shoulders and neck were stiff, of course, and I was suffering from severe insomnia. Not only that, when I did finally fall asleep, I had many dreams. (From Dreams by Akutagawa Ryunosuke)


(i) Noun (Particle) のみならず
学生のみならずNot only students
アジアからのみならずNot only from Asia
(ii) {V/Adjectiveい}informalのみならず
理解{する/しない}のみならずNot only does someone (not) understanding something
{難しい/難しくない}のみならずNot only is something (not) difficult
(iii) {Adjectiveなstem/ Noun}であるのみならず
不自然であるのみならずSomething is not only unnatural
学者であるのみならずSomeone is not only a scholar
(iv) Sentence1。のみならず、Sentence2。
この問題は難しい。のみならず、解決に時間もかかる。This problem is difficult. Not only that, it’ll take time to solve