(っ)たって (2) (A. 597)

Example sentences

You'll never be able to do it alone! (literally: Even if you try to do it alone, that's impossible.)
Even if you wanted to go buy it right now, the stores are all already closed.
Even though it's said to be expensive, my guess is it won't cost more than one million yen.
Although she has experience teaching Japanese, she hasn't yet taught anywhere outside of Japan.
That house is not something you could buy even if you wanted to.
It won't work if you try to cheat me.
Whatever he may want to say, I don't think I'll stop it.
There are no more trains even if (you say) you want to go home now.
Even if you say you'll look through the materials, it's impossible for you to do it alone because there are so many.
Although (I say) it's close, it's not a distance you can walk at all.
No matter how simple (they say) it is, in fact you won't be able to use it without a minimum knowledge of computers.
Although I say "fasting," it's not like you can't put anything in your mouth. You can drink vegetable juice twice a day.


(i) Vvolitional() たって
飲もう() たってEven if you try to drink
(ii) Vinformal() たって
飲む() たってEven if you say you will drink
飲んだったってEven if you say you drank
(iii) Adjectiveいinformal() たって
高い() たってEven if you say something is expensive
高かったったってEven if you say something was expensive
(iv) {Adjectiveなstem/Noun}{∅/だ/だった}ったって
便利{∅/だ/だった}ったってEven if you say something is/was convenient
学生{∅/だ/だった}ったってEven if you say someone is/was a student