てばかりはいられない (A. 600)

Example sentences

We just cannot be content with our past performance.
Indeed, this is a serious situation, but we cannot just keep discussing it.
Just because the people around me have helped me out in the past, I can't depend on others endlessly.
I finally own a house, which I have hoped to do for years, but I can't remain excited for long. Now I have a huge loan to repay.
I haven't fully recovered from the shock of being laid off (literally: the restructuring shock), but I cannot waste my time just feeling depressed. I have to start looking for a job right away.
I just can't let it get me down because I didn't get into the school I wanted.
We can't just sit around being impressed by someone else's success. We have to work harder, too.
We can't just keep thinking about what caused the trouble. We have to recover the lost data immediately.
Now that I'm retired I can live as I like, but I just can't stay at home, so I've begun to do volunteer work.


(i) Vてばかりはいられない
泣いてばかりはいられないCannot just keep crying
(ii) VN{してばかりはいられない/ばかりはしていられない}
心配{してばかりはいられない/ばかりはしていられない}Cannot just worry about something
(iii) Noun{Particle+Vてばかりはいられない/ (Particle) ばかりVてはいられない}
本を読んでばかりはいられないCannot just read books; cannot always read books
ばかり読んではいられないCannot read just books; cannot always read books
親から借りでばかりはいられないCannot just borrow something from one’s parents; cannot always borrow something from one’s parents
親からばかり借りてはいられないCannot just borrow something from one’s parents; cannot always borrow something from one’s parents