ともなく (A. 648)

Example sentences

While I was taking a walk, I came as far as the station without intending to.
We do not know when, but my family started a tradition of going skiing on New Year's Day.
As I was listening to the performance without paying much attention, I was gradually pulled into it.
When I was thinking mindlessly about my university days, the faces of my classmates came to my mind one after another.
I was listening to the witness's story from behind without paying much attention when, all of sudden, I realised that it contained an important piece of information for solving the case.
(I couldn't tell from where, but) a good smell wafted from somewhere.
Finally, it's over, he muttered (literally: muttered to no one in particular).
The two smiled at each other almost at the same time. (literally: I cannot tell which one did it first, but the two looked at each other and smiled.)


(i) V1informal nonpastともなくV2Where V1=V2
見るともなく見るLook at something unconsciously
(ii) Wh-word+Particleともなく
どこからともなく(Cannot tell from where but) from somewhere
誰にともなくTo no one in particular