はいいとしても (A. 691)

Example sentences

Your motivation for helping your friend is all right, but your way (of doing it) is wrong.
Even if I accept it, other people wouldn't be satisfied with this room.
I'd accept a small room, but not having an air-conditioner there is not acceptable.
Regarding copyrighted materials, making copies for one's own use may be all right, but distributing them to others is illegal.
Although it might be all right on the street, talking loudly on your cell phone in public places like trains and restaurants is extremely annoying to the people around you.
Even if it is all right with the couple getting married, their parents probably won't approve of this kind of wedding ceremony.
Because this restaurant is cheap, it's all right for the food to taste a little off, but they should stop using old ingredients (for cooking).
The rent for the company house (we live in) now is much cheaper than that of ordinary houses, so we can't complain much. And even though we accept the old building, the fact that we can't get repairs done quickly when something is damaged is a problem.
It's one thing to lose the use of your own computer (literally: It might be all right to lose the use of your own computer) because of a virus, but it's simply unforgivable to do nothing to get rid of it and thereby spread the virus to others.


(i) Nounはいいとしても
借金はいいとしてもBorrowing money may be all right, but
はいいとしてもEven if he accepts it
(ii) {V/Adjectiveい}informalはいいとしてもAdjective い is usually nonpast
出席できないのはいいとしてもNot being able to attend may be all right, but
高いのはいいとしてもBeing expensive may be all right, but
(iii) {Adjectiveなstem/ Noun}{な/である}のはいいとしても
下手{な/である}のはいいとしてもSomeone’s being bad at something may be all right, but
学生{な/である}のはいいとしてもSomeone’s being a student may be all right, but