やら (A. 715)

Example sentences

I wonder when this building will be finished.
I wonder what will happen to our company from now on. (I'm quite worried.)
I just don't understand what is good about this movie.
The students are planning something interesting.
I really wonder if the stadium will be completed in time for the Olympic Games.
I wonder when I'll be able to have my own house. (I feel almost hopeless.)
I wonder where all the energy he had just a little bit ago has gone.
Not being able to figure out where the entrance was, I walked around the building several times.
No one is wearing a name tag, so I simply cannot figure out who's who.
I wonder what kind of feast they'll have for me to eat today. I can't wait!
It got dark outside before I realised it.


(i) Sinformalのやらだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun changes to な
{行く/行った}のやらI wonder if someone will go/went
{高い/高かった}のやらI wonder if something is/was expensive
不便{な/である/だった/であった}のやらI wonder if something is/was inconvenient
学生{な/である/だった/であった}のやらI wonder if someone is/was a student
(ii) Sinformalことやらだ cannot be used beforeこと Adjectiveな stem{な/である}こと;Nounであること
{行く/行った}ことやらI wonder if someone will go/went
{高い/高かった}ことやらI wonder if something is/was expensive
不便{である/だった/であった}ことやらI wonder if something is/was inconvenient
学生{である/だった/であった}ことやらI wonder if someone is/was a student
(ii) Sinformalやらだ after Adjectiveな stem and Noun is omitted
{行く/行った}やらI wonder if someone will go/went; whether someone will go/went
{大きい/大きかった}やらI wonder if something is/was large; whether something is/was large
上手{∅/だった}やらI wonder if someone is/was good at something; whether someone is/was skillful
学生{∅/だった}やらI wonder if someone is/was a student; whether someone is/was a student