~やら~やら (A. 720)

Example sentences

I have been traveling for business a lot these days to conferences, workshops, etc.
When people praised the picture of me I felt strange, both happy and shy.
I got told off by my boss; I lost my wallet—it's been a horrible day today.
We can't tell whether Hisako will come or not, so let's just go.
Because I know nothing about art objects, I have no idea whether this pot is cheap or expensive.
My suitcase is full now with a change of clothes and souvenirs and other things.
I write about my hobbies and my family in my blog from time to time.
Naoki did things like slurping his soup and talking with food in his mouth—his table manners were horrible.
My mind was somewhere else when I was talking with people because I was mad at and jealous of Yoko, whom I saw talking happily with Andy.
I heard that she speaks Japanese, but because I haven't heard her speak yet, I have no idea whether she's good or bad at it.
I can't tell if l can do this job unless I try.
He is a genuine born-in-the-USA American, but his ways of thinking are so much like those of Japanese people that we (almost) cannot tell whether he is a Japanese or an American. (literally: his ways of thinking are like those of Japanese people to the extent that we cannot tell whether he is a Japanese or an American.)
It's not good to count on the money before you know if they will lend it to you or not.


(i) XやらYやら
V1informal nonpastやらV2informal nonpastやら笑われるやら馬鹿にされるやらSomeone was laughed at and insulted, among other things
今日帰るやら明日帰るやらWhether someone will come home today or tomorrow
Adjectiveい1informal nonpastやらAdjectiveい2informal nonpastやら悲しいやら悔しいやら(I felt) sad and frustrated
いいやら悪いやらWhether something is good or bad
Adjectiveな1stemやらAdjectiveな2stemやら上手やら下手やらWhether someone is good or poor at something
Noun1やらNoun2やらクッキーやらチョコレートやらCookies, chocolates, and so on
本物やら偽物やらReal things and imitations; whether something is real or an imitation
(ii) V1informal(affirmative) やらV2informal (negative) やらWhere V1=V2
行くやら行かないやらWhether someone will go or not
行ったやら行かなかったやらWhether someone went or not
(iii) XのやらYのやら
V1informalのやらV2informalのやら行くのやら留まるのやらWhether someone will go or stay
Adjectiveい1 informalのやらAdjectiveい2 informalのやら新しいのやら古いのやらWhether something is new or old
Adjectiveな1stem{な/だった}のやらAdjectiveな2stem{な/だった}のやら上手なのやら下手なのやらWhere someone is good or poor at something
Noun1{な/だった} のやらNoun2{な/だった} のやら日本人なのやらアメリカ人なのやらWhether someone is a Japanese or an American